WHILE clause

英 [waɪl klɔːz] 美 [waɪl klɔːz]

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  1. The expression used in the if statement ( and in the elif clause and the while loop discussed later in this article) can be as complex as necessary.
  2. At this point, the break statement causes program execution to break out of the while loop, skipping the else clause.
  3. The while loop, as was the case with the if statement, supports an optional else clause containing a block of program statements executed when the expression is False.
  4. But while that is profoundly sensitive stuff, the Fed was forced to publish because of a tiny, hitherto ignored clause inserted into that Dodd-Frank bill.
  5. Analysis: What interested me most is the subject clause, while Vietnamese concepts and values were translated into English is a relative clause modifying the way.
  6. It is easy for the reader to form a suppostion condition → result constant psychological representation while the item order of the Chinese conditional clause of supposition is result → suppostion condition. The items of psychological representation will be exchange.
  7. The comparison of three different supervision measures preventing market manipulation shows that post-event preventive measure is the most effective one while contract design, delivery clause design in particular, is an effective supplement measure.
  8. There are9 clauses in MIA1906 and other many stipulations in the Institute Insurance Clauses while there is only one clause provided in Art.
  9. The repetition which is used in song lyrics mostly focuses on the level of clause while the rhyme mostly used in the end of each line of clause to attract the readers 'attention and reach the aesthetic effect.
  10. While the constitution is the fundamental law of one state and stipulates the fundamental system of state, so the territory clause is an important part of constitution and it is an important significance to involve the territory clause in constitution.
  11. Furthermore, beside English attributive clauses have the modified and restricted functions as the Chinese attributive clauses have, and it also has the result, the cause, the condition and other adverbial functions, while the Chinese attributive clause is lack of these functions.